Teaching Medication Administration: Adapting to the New Normal
by Roxanne Holthaus and Kateri Gabriele sim2GROW
Are you facing challenges stemming from a reduction or limitation in clinical placement options- challenges such as an increased demand for additional simulation experiences, and creative alternatives for skill acquisition that are social-distance compliant? Students may not be allowed in clinical sites, but still need to learn safe medication administration as it would have occurred in the clinical site. Because of a need for social distancing, there will be a limit to how many students can be practicing in the skills lab or participating in a simulation experience. There may even be a need to teach hands-on clinical skills in a virtual environment. This session focuses specifically on the critical skill of medication administration, although lessons learned may apply to other skills as well.
Learning Objectives:
Define the role of simulation in the development of safe medication administration practices for undergraduate nursing students.
Recognize challenges to traditional strategies used to teach safe medication administration to undergraduate nursing students.
Identify 3 alternative strategies for continuing to teach undergraduate nursing students safe medication administration despite pandemic related restrictions.
Credit Hours:0.5