Need Help?

What do I do if I can't log in? 
Check that you have an active SimGHOSTS membership and can log in to the SimGHOSTS website. You may need to reset your password or renew your membership.

How long do I have to complete a course? 
Generally you have a year to complete a video or course, but members will have access to their course materials for up to five years. Any updates to courses in this time will be automatically updated.

What are the Crowd Wisdom™ System Requirements?

Operating Systems and Devices
Windows versions 8.1 and above, and Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and above

Crowd Wisdom™ will maintain active support for the 2 most recent public versions of Android and iOS device platforms. Most older versions will also function fine, however, to minimize the scope of possible QA and configuration support, Crowd Wisdom™ officially lists the last 2 versions.

Internet Explorer: As of April 31, 2018, Crowd Wisdom™ supports IE 11 and above in accordance with Microsoft support standards

Mozilla Firefox: most recent 2 public versions

Chrome and Safari: most recent 2 public versions

Connection speed
Connection speeds from standard broadband access will obviously improve learning experience within courseware itself.

Plug-Ins, Add-on Components, and Multimedia Support
There are no required downloads for the Crowd Wisdom™ platform. However, courseware and learning materials requirements vary and will depend on the content itself. Most e-learning courseware typically requires specific plug-ins such as Adobe Flash to view multimedia. 

Products listed as multimedia in Crowd Wisdom™ will use the popular video player, JW Player 7 and will start using JW player 8. This is the same player used by YouTube and most major websites. 

For additional support, please contact us: